
Positive2Work Skillnet & Open Doors Initiative Report Released on Barriers to Employment for Marginalised People

Study makes 10 key recommendations to ensure they are not left further behind in recovery from COVID-19

Positive2Work Skillnet and The Open Doors Initiative have commissioned a report and the findings offer a warning that marginalised people are still being left behind in terms of employment. The Initiative says the report is further evidence of the need for extra supports to be put in place to help these people. The report offers ten key recommendations to ensure all benefit from post COVID-19 economic recovery.

Written by Professor Thomas M. Cooney, the report examines the barriers to employment across three groups in Irish society.

The groups addressed are:
– Refugee, asylum seekers and migrants
2 – Young people from marginalised backgrounds
– People with disabilities.

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Positive2Work Skillnet support businesses across all sectors in Ireland as they grow by offering funded training that helps to build a dynamic, upskilled, resilient workforce.

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