
Introducing Robotics and AI in the Workplace. This FREE Event will be held on THURSDAY 22nd JULY 15.00 – 16.00

The 4 Civility Institute Ireland along with their European Partners have been working on a 2-year EU funded ERASMUS project to assist organisations, particularly SMEs, assess their readiness for integrating Robots and/or Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the workplace.

The project Partners are now able to launch a suite of on-line training materials and self-assessment tools they have developed specifically designed to help with the introduction of robotics and artificial AI into the workplace. For details of the outputs developed please visit

They are hosting an open house 1-hour online ZOOM Event to present their project outputs and you are warmly invited to attend. This FREE Event will be held on THURSDAY 22nd JULY 15.00 – 16.00

If you wish to attend, can you please complete the registration Form – and you will receive details and a link to the event.



Positive2Work Skillnet support businesses across all sectors in Ireland as they grow by offering funded training that helps to build a dynamic, upskilled, resilient workforce.

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