
Skillnet Ireland Annual Report Launched: Celebrating 25 years of building competitiveness through skills in Ireland.

Positive2Work Skillnet is proud to be one of @Skillnet Ireland’s 70 Business Networks.

The launch of the 2023 annual report shows that 26,626 businesses received upskilling programmes amounting to 97,776 workers receiving training and demonstrating a high level of buy-in from businesses to develop their teams in partnership with Skillnet Ireland Business Networks and Initiatives. 

The report highlights the demand for industry-led upskilling which we continuously provide for our member companies.

Download the report:

Read the news story and watch the video  

#BuildingCompetitiveness #Upskilling #SkillnetBusinessNetworks 


Positive2Work Skillnet support businesses across all sectors in Ireland as they grow by offering funded training that helps to build a dynamic, upskilled, resilient workforce.

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